Playback Theatre Workshops, Back By Demand

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As the River Crossing Playback Theatre ensemble continues to grow and perform, it’s been exciting to see a contagion of interest in learning more and doing Playback Theatre. Workshops are how we learn to do Playback Theatre, experience the thrill of telling, listening and improvising the group-mates’ experiences. We’ve found that ongoing classes (rather than one-time workshops) also fulfill another need: cultivating a community that generates its own momentum and support.

This fall, we’re offering open classes once again. Please join us! Or consider inviting me and other River Crossers to facilitate a Playback Theatre workshop for your organization, worship community or other group where everyone can tell, listen and play the stories. Contact me at 888-440-0663 or for more info.

Playback Theatre Course: Improv for Community Building

Wednesdays, October 2 – November 6, 2013
7:00-9:30 pm
Columbia, PA

Discover your own stories.  Learn an exciting form of improv!
Join a team that weaves community.  Play!

Register for River Crossing’s Fall Intro Course: Improv for Community Building

Do you love to play?  Move your body?  Use your voice?  Get spontaneous?  Give back to your community?  Developed 35 years ago and practiced around the world, Playback Theatre brings to life the stories of its audiences.  It can be a powerful vehicle for healing, self-discovery and community dialogue.  Join us and find out how.

In Playback Theatre, audience members tell personal stories and watch an ensemble bring them to life on stage, a process often considered healing for players and audience alike. Through incremental warm-ups, games and physical acting, you will learn Playback forms, explore your own story-scape and gain trust with fellow players.  Over six sessions, 2.5 hours each, we will play with the essential elements of this exciting discipline:*

Oct. 2:  HEART of PLAYBACK: Emotion, Essence & FLUID Sculptures
Oct. 9:  MAKING CONTACT!  Play, Tension & Conflict
Oct. 16:  WHAT’S THE STORY?  Structures for Insight
Oct. 23:  ESSENCE in STORY:  Triangles of Victim or Creator
Oct. 30:  STORIES & DIALOGUE: Finding Common Threads
Nov. 6:  PLAYING with EDGES:  Margins, Mainstreams & the Expanding Circle

Finale:  GRADUATION PERFORMANCE from the River Crossing Playback Theatre Barefoot Boot Camp*

Register now via PayPal and invest in liberating community arts in Central PA – including your own!

$50 (early bird/discount before 9/21) | $ 65 (full price/after 9/21)

Or send your check to “Jubilee Arts” at:

320 East Walnut Street; Marietta, PA 17547

River Crossing Playback Theatre is an ensemble anchored in the lower Susquehanna Valley, trained to build community through the dramatic portrayal of real-life stories. With improvisational forms like Playback Theatre, audiences participate in creating a new story that recognizes and celebrates the differences and the common ground in our communities. Formed in 2007, the ensemble draws from members in Lancaster, York, Adams and Dauphin Counties.

Have fun.  Explore a truly interactive art. Understand better your own stories. And learn improvisational skills that you can use in the workplace, education, counseling, health care, ministry or community building.

This class counts toward the 40 hours required training for the River Crossing Playback Theatre performing ensemble….

Improvisational Actors
Improvisational Musicians (multi-instrument)
Players of diverse age, ability, ethnicity, gender, race, religion and sexual orientation
Players with commitment to social dialogue and personal growth

Prior Playback Theatre experience not necessary.  Theatre, dance, music or other expressive arts experience preferred for anyone interested in joining the River Crossing Playback ensemble.

Register by Saturday, September 21 to assure your spot!

Location: Cafe Garth | 22 South Second Street Upstairs | Columbia, Pennsylvania 17512* Exact class schedule subject to change. Final performance
time/place to be announced by October 15.

River Crossing Playback Theatre
Building Bridges, One Story at a Time

See you there!

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